Mmmm.... I've already missed the first session, in fact, I missed the whole announcement of this course. In the back of my head I wanted to learn more, get some foundation, and read and discuss why this technology use in learning is going so rapidly. Apparently I haven't paid much attention and didn't hear colleges talking about this opportunity to enroll in a 5 part full course on educational technology and informational literacy. I am, already struggling to get through the readings and the writing of this blog.
What I hope to get out of this course got shaped for me during the first (and for me only) f2f full Saturday session. I want to be part of this, understanding when people talk about the technology, and using it in my own classes with the ESL students in Middle School. I want to incorporate some of these newer ideas into my lesson plans to benefit my students. It's a must in this century that we educators have an awareness of how we learn in a digital landscape and to build understanding and deal with new technology. I hope it's not too late for me, because I feel old when I see how fast the kids pick up and learn new things, I also hope that I will find the time to engage my self with readings titled "Engage me or enrage me" and Living and learning with new media". Sounds pretty exciting to me!!